Help selling a horse

From the main home page, click on sell. You will be directed to a log in page, where you will need to select create an account. Fill in all relevant details and create a memorable password. Acknowledge you have read terms and conditions and privacy policy and select register.
If you have forgotten your password click on the forgot password link, below where you would enter password. There will be instructions there for you to reset your password.
Once you have created your account you are ready to start placing adverts. Fill in the essential information listed on the ‘place ad’ page. Use the drop-down boxes to upload photos, videos and any other information about your horse. Select add your listing and your advert will become live.
Videos can be uploaded to your advert by dragging the video file from your computer or by uploading (for mobile and tablets) from your device.
We have a quality control check in place and all video uploads and video changes have to be approved by our administrators, so they will not show on your advert until the approval has taken place.
When you are happy with the content of your advert please select the ‘Pay’ button and you’ll be directed to our payment page. Each payment is for a 1 month period and payments will be recurring until cancelled.
Once an advert has been paid for you will have the option of marking the horse as available. If you sell the horse, or choose to stop advertising it, mark the advert as unavailable and the advert will be removed from the website and the recurring payments will be cancelled.
Make changes to your advert through the seller dashboard. Select the manage adverts tab at the top of the page, a list of your horses will be shown. Click edit on each advert to make changes or add any extra videos or photos.
Analytics allows you to see how many views your horses profile receives. In your seller dashboard click on the analytics tab at the top of the page, select each advert and click view individual analytics.
When you open an account with Horse Trader Pro we will create you a seller dash board, here you can create your seller profile, manage and edit your adverts, respond to enquiries, create new adverts and view analytics.
Adverts are £4.99 per horse per month, based on a rolling monthly payment. Your advert will remain active until you mark it as sold or cancel it.
Each of your adverts include a sharing link which enables you to share your advert across your social media channel of choice.
Our email address and enquiry form can be found on the contact page. Check the frequently asked questions first to see if you can solve your query there. You can also speak to a member of the team through live messenger during office hours.